
From Year 1 onwards homework is set, increasing in length and scope as a pupil progresses through the school. Through homework we are seeking to generate a variety of worthwhile learning experiences in support of those provided in school

Primary children are encouraged to read with or to their parents, depending on the level reached. Support at home undoubtedly contributes to a child’s success in this area. Children will also, at various stages, be asked to learn spellings or multiplication tables. Older children may be asked to complete unfinished work at home or undertake research or revision work for a subsequent lesson. In Year 6, pupils are tested on the core subjects and are given homework time to revise for these tests.

Homework gives secondary pupils practice in managing their own learning, fulfilling targets and meeting deadlines, thereby acquiring a sense of responsibility. Not all homework is in the form of written exercises. Learning, reading, researching and revising are also valuable activities.

To help pupils manage their homework, they are provided with homework diaries and these are checked regularly by class teachers and form tutors. This is an area where we depend on parents to give active help and encouragement

From Year 1 onwards homework is set, increasing in length and scope as a pupil progresses through the school. Through homework we are seeking to generate a variety of worthwhile learning experiences in support of those provided in school

Primary children are encouraged to read with or to their parents, depending on the level reached. Support at home undoubtedly contributes to a child’s success in this area. Children will also, at various stages, be asked to learn spellings or multiplication tables. Older children may be asked to complete unfinished work at home or undertake research or revision work for a subsequent lesson. In Year 6, pupils are tested on the core subjects and are given homework time to revise for these tests.

Homework gives secondary pupils practice in managing their own learning, fulfilling targets and meeting deadlines, thereby acquiring a sense of responsibility. Not all homework is in the form of written exercises. Learning, reading, researching and revising are also valuable activities.

To help pupils manage their homework, they are provided with homework diaries and these are checked regularly by class teachers and form tutors. This is an area where we depend on parents to give active help and encouragement