Home – school communication

It is vital that communication between home and school, which leads to the building of a strong, positive relationship between the two, is fluid. It is only through regular communication that we may ensure that the welfare and progress of children are closely monitored.

Primary parents are invited to meet their child’s new class teacher in September and this is followed up with Parents’ Afternoons which take place in October and March. Reports are issued in December and June.

Secondary reports are issued three times a year and Parent / Teacher consultations are held in terms one and two.

Parents are informed immediately if, for whatever reason, a teacher or tutor is concerned about their child.

Parents are also encouraged to contact their child’s class teacher or tutor should they have any concern or query.

The Head of the Primary Department, and the school’s Headteacher are always informed of concerns expressed by teaching staff and / or parents and are happy to see parents to help resolve these concerns.

It is vital that communication between home and school, which leads to the building of a strong, positive relationship between the two, is fluid. It is only through regular communication that we may ensure that the welfare and progress of children are closely monitored.

Primary parents are invited to meet their child’s new class teacher in September and this is followed up with Parents’ Afternoons which take place in October and March. Reports are issued in December and June.

Secondary reports are issued three times a year and Parent / Teacher consultations are held in terms one and two.

Parents are informed immediately if, for whatever reason, a teacher or tutor is concerned about their child.

Parents are also encouraged to contact their child’s class teacher or tutor should they have any concern or query.

The Head of the Primary Department, and the school’s Headteacher are always informed of concerns expressed by teaching staff and / or parents and are happy to see parents to help resolve these concerns.